Financial inclusion is critical in achieving economic participation and development and achieving many of the Sustainable Development Goals set out by the UN. However, women often face significant challenges in accessing and using formal financial services. For example, gendered social norms can restrict women’s access to information and tools, lower financial and digital capabilities, and increased vulnerability to fraud.
Solving these challenges requires a range of institutions, with policy playing a key role in addressing systemic challenges and catalyzing the financial industry to take action. Recognizing this, Women’s World Banking and the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance (CCAF) joined forces in 2024 to support an inclusive policy environment.
Together, we have launched several key initiatives, including:
- Developed a Sustainability, Diversity and Inclusion Module for the Cambridge Fintech and Regulatory Innovation (CFTRI+) online training program, with 45% of participants being women.
- Presented interactive tutorial sessions on gender-responsive strategies for financial inclusion and climate resilience, empowering participants with actionable insights.
- Launched the Women’s World Banking Knowledge Zone, a one-stop hub of critical resources, providing knowledge on gender-responsive fintech, consumer protection, and digital public infrastructure.
This case study explores the collaborative efforts, key initiatives, and outcomes of this partnership, highlighting how it contributed to advancing inclusive policy around financial inclusion for women.