What We Do

Inclusive Policy

We work with governments and regulators to design and implement policies and initiatives that promote women’s financial inclusion.

Inclusive policy

Governments play a central role in breaking down barriers to financial inclusion by implementing laws and policies that reduce inequalities and boost economic growth. However, less than 35% of countries have a national financial inclusion strategy.

Governments stand to benefit from promoting women’s financial inclusion via policy and regulatory reforms. A strategic focus on women has the potential to expand markets, spark economic progress, and improve health and education outcomes.

In 2021, Women’s World Banking engaged 57 financial policymakers and regulatory agencies across 39 countries, creating enabling environments for women.
inclusive policy african woman on farm using phone

When women thrive, so do our societies

Through our policy advocacy work, Women’s World Banking channels insights and knowledge from its research and advisory services to government ministries, regulatory and supervisory bodies, and individual policymakers seeking to advance women’s financial inclusion in their countries.

Our global policy imperatives

By 2027, we aim to engage 20 government or regulatory agencies to implement gender-inclusive policies or initiatives that deepen financial inclusion, improving women’s access to and use of the formal financial system.

Access & Usage

Ensure women's access to accounts through identification, mobile and internet, and digital and financial capability to actively engage with their bank accounts or digital wallets under the woman's control.

Mandate gender disaggregated data reporting, make it public, and use it to improve policy and promote products that meet the needs of women.


Ensure women's access to financial safety nets — social protection, savings, insurance — to help mitigate, cope with, and recover from shocks without compromising future welfare.

Enforce consumer protection that meets women's needs, including data privacy and security.


Ensure women entrepreneurs have better access to funds to start and grow their business, through improved credit infrastructure and fintech, including alternative credit scoring methods, moveable collateral registries and priority sector lending.

Economic Empowerment

Reform discriminatory laws and societal norms so women can access tools for their full economic and financial participation.

Promote investment in women leaders to drive inclusive policy making.

inclusive policy african woman on farm using phone

Examples of our work

We provide support to the Central Bank of Nigeria’s Communities of Practice, focused on implementation of the Nigeria Framework for Advancing Women’s Financial Inclusion, and in Mexico we worked with regulators on a survey of financial institutions on their efforts to promote women’s financial inclusion.

We work closely with the Indonesia Government on promoting gender sensitive economic policies, and in India we are pleased to be contributing to the Government’s Business Correspondent working group to increase the number of women agents.