The Gender Performance Indicators workshop hosted by Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist Jaclyn Berfond  at the recent Asia Pacific Financial Inclusion Summit was highlighted in this post:
Women’s financial inclusion as a contributor to financial sustainability was a strong theme of the inaugural Asia Pacific Financial Inclusion Summit, held in Manila 27-29 October.
Through an interactive workshop delivered by Women’s World Banking and Good Return at the Summit, the importance of gender-specific data was explored, and participants were introduced to Women’s World Banking’s Gender Performance Initiative (GPI). The initiative provides a guide including concise gender-based social and financial indicators that can help financial service providers (FSPs) better understand how to best serve women clients.
As a starting point, participants worked through the GPI’s Select 5 Indicators, which have been distilled by Women’s World Banking as the essential indicators for FSPs to begin measuring their gender performance. The Select 5 Indicators can be used to track and analyze the suitability of product design to meet women’s needs, as well as how serving women clients can contribute to the institution’s financial sustainability and generate positive social outcomes.