Kashf Foundation has been awarded with client protection certification by Smart Campaign for meeting excellent standards of customer care which are globally recognized. “Smart Campaign“  (www.smartcampaign.org )is a global effort to unite microfinance leaders around a common goal: to keep clients as the driving force of the industry.
Kashf Foundation is the only financial institution in Pakistan to receive this certification and there are 28 more across the world. This is indeed a great international recognition of Kashf’s commitment to lients and their wellbeing. The independent evaluation made by the SMART Campaign signifies that Kashf has undergone the Smart Campaign’s Client Protection Certification Program with a licensed Certifier and has been found to the meet the rigorous standards of a Client-centered institution.  When a financial has been granted certification, it is recognised as having successfully met adequate standards of care in the treatment of clients.  Furthermore, the certification is a testimony to the fact that Kashf upholds all standards of Client protection, such as the appropriate design and delivery of financial products, prevention of over-indebtedness, transparency, responsible pricing, fair and respectful treatment of clients, privacy of client data, and mechanisms for complaint resolution.
Read more in this interview with Founder and Managing Director, Roshaneh Zafar on the CFI blog “Smart Certification: Kashf Foundation Takes the Lead in Pakistan“