It’s not just the Women’s World Banking team here in NYC that makes it happen, its our amazing network members, partners and advocates.  Throughout the month of March, you’ll see videos and photos of them talking about how they’re making it happen for women around the world.
Every year on March 8, Women’s World Banking joins the world in celebrating International Women’s Day, a global event honoring the advancement of women’s rights and empowerment. Now International Women’s Day isn’t the only women-centric event happening this month. The United States is also celebrating Women’s History Month and for watchers of global efforts to empower women, it is the 20th Anniversary of the World Conference for Women held in Beijing. Around this time of year, Women’s World Banking usually hosts events or webinars to share best practices in women’s financial inclusion. However, given this incredible confluence of events, Women’s World Banking was inspired to do something… a little different.
You see, it’s not just our team in New York City that is making it happen for women… it’s our amazing network members, partners, advocates and you, yes you, out there in the world doing things in your own little way to ensure that the march toward women’s equality is strong and steady. Recognizing this, we’re turning the spotlight on how we are all collectively doing our part to advance women’s rights. It can be anything from helping build the business case for serving low-income women, to growing a business to support a family, to providing loans to a women entrepreneur to studying hard at school to ensure a better future.
We’ve collected a number of videos from our network members and supporters and we’ve shared them all on our Making it Happen for Women page. It gives us great joy to see all these collective efforts and we’re proud to share it with you and hope that you too will share your story of making it happen for women. It takes all of us, and we’re thrilled to share this journey with you.