Samit Ghosh, head of India network member Ujjivan and Women’s World Banking board member, shared his experiences of the Financial Inclusion Symposium last July 19-20, 2013 at Turin. The symposium was sponsored by the Mastercard Foundation and the Boulder Institute of Microfinance.
The Boulder Institute, one of the premier international training institutions for microfinance practioners from around the world, and MasterCard Foundationorganized a two day ‘Symposium on Financial Inclusion: Client at the Center’. This is to develop into an annual event for next five years where research on the diverse financial needs of clients, innovation in products & delivery and service quality will be promoted. The central focus of the symposium was to promote the importance of microfinance in providing the innovative range of products and services for the promotion of financial inclusion.
All through this symposium there was no direct reference to microfinance and poverty alleviation, only achieving real financial inclusion. This is a welcome development in the world of microfinance. Â This symposium is also a very important development in the evolution of microfinance from the standard conferences held in the past by bringing focus on clients, innovations & financial inclusion and highlighting the current leaders of microfinance in the world today.
Read the complete post on Ujjivan’s website.