Women's World Banking Blog

Policy Brief

Explore the latest global and regional insights from Women’s World Banking’s work in policy, leadership, women’s entrepreneurship, gender lens investing, and more.

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Research & Perspectives

Policy Brief: Making Financial Products and Services Work for Women

In this Policy Brief we explore the challenges faced by women in accessing and utilizing financial products and services in developing economies.   Globally, approximately 750 million women lack access to financial services, highlighting persistent barriers despite advancements in financial inclusion. Women often exhibit lower levels of financial literacy and

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A woman entrepreneur on her smart phone in Cambodia
Research & Perspectives

Policy Brief: The Case for Gender-Intentional Consumer Protection

Financial products and services are crucial for empowering women financially, yet rapid innovation and digitalization pose risks, especially for those with low digital financial capability. Women often receive lower quality services or none at all due to societal norms. Vulnerable populations, particularly low-income women and rural communities, face amplified risks

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Research & Perspectives

Policy Brief: How Policymakers Can Leverage Digital Financial Capability for Inclusion

In an increasingly digitalized world, policymakers and regulators hold a critical role in advancing digital financial inclusion, particularly for women. Recognizing the pivotal role of financial capability and digital literacy, policymakers are urged to prioritize the development of women’s digital financial capability (DFC) to foster the widespread adoption of digital

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Research & Perspectives

Policy Brief: Making Digital Public Infrastructure Work for Women

The World Bank Global Findex Database 2021 reports a gender gap of 6% in account ownership across developing economies. While it is encouraging to see the gender gap fall from 9% over the last ten years, women still constitute a significant proportion of the unbanked population in low and lower

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Research & Perspectives

Policy Brief: Why Advocate for More Women Banking Agents?

Research from Women’s World Banking and our partners highlights the significant benefits of more women banking agents, both for the Financial Services Providers (FSPs) that employ them and for the women agents themselves. But in order to reap these benefits, FSPs need guidance and support from policymakers when it comes

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