Women's World Banking Blog

Rural Women

Explore the latest global and regional insights from Women’s World Banking’s work in policy, leadership, women’s entrepreneurship, gender lens investing, and more.

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Research & Perspectives

Insights for Action: Building Rural Women’s Financial Resilience towards Climate Change

Women’s engagement with financial services leads to their greater economic empowerment, including greater control over financial decisions and increased independence. However, three-quarters of the world’s women are still excluded from financial services. In Indonesia, rural women are among the most financially unserved and underserved populations. Women alone make up 63.8%

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Research & Perspectives

Policy Diagnostic: Rural Women and Financial Inclusion

Financial inclusion is not an end in itself, but an enabler of other positive financial, economic and social outcomes for groups historically excluded from financial and other services. This diagnostic focuses specifically on women’s financial inclusion in rural areas, including demand-side challenges and customer needs often experienced by women more

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WWB News

MI-BOSPO Celebrates the International Day of Rural Women

The International Day of Rural Women was established by the General Assembley in 2007, and this year was celebrated on the October 15. Over the past few years, MI-BOSPO has marked this day by organizing trade fairs with our clients and members of the Women’s in Business Network.

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Products & Solutions

Rural Credit Product Overview

Why is it important to serve low-income rural women with individual lending products? In this one-pager, we provide a brief summary of our product development approach and an example of a successful product rollout.Modify your meta description by editing it right here

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Research & Perspectives

“He helps me:” a note on household dynamics in rural Malawi

Women’s World Banking believes that in order to serve women well, we must understand the social, cultural and political context in which they live and the distinct financial needs that they face. And while women’s experiences and needs vary, from the Middle East to South Asia, one common finding is this: women’s work – both domestic and income-generating – is undervalued, if not completely disregarded, especially in rural communities across the world.

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Products & Solutions

Solutions for Financial Inclusion: Serving Rural Women

Using Uganda as a case study, Women’s World Banking set out to better understand the needs of rural women and to use the research and lessons learned there to make recommendations on the design and delivery of microfinance products within Uganda and throughout sub-Saharan Africa.

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