Women’s World Banking is a contributor for Wall Street Journal/ MetLife Foundation initiative Multipliers of Prosperity (http://www.multipliersofprosperity.com). Multipliers of Prosperity takes a look globally at the challenges we face in confronting the issues of financial inclusion. Our article on how to best serve women-led small-to-medium enterprises was featured:
In both the industrialized and developing nations, the small- to medium-, or SME, business segment is a major contributor to economic health, providing a stable and diversified tax base and driving job creation. Women-owned SMEs in particular are a growing—but undercapitalized—force. According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, an estimated 126 million women in 67 different countries were running or starting a new small- to medium-sized business in 2012. But over 70 percent of woman-owned SMEs are either unserved or underserved by financial institutions, with serious implications not only for them but also for the larger economy.
Read the full article.