Women's World Banking

TechEquity: Women in Inclusive Tech Regulation Program

Empowering future leaders in technology and financial inclusion.

About the Program

Application Deadline: July 25

This multi-week program equips the next generation of diverse policymakers, regulators and supervisors with the knowledge and mindset to be at the cutting edge of technology and accelerate efforts to close the gender gap in financial inclusion. The program is delivered by leadership, financial inclusion and global policy experts from Women’s World Banking, Alliance for Innovative Regulation (AIR), and faculty from the NYU and UPenn Schools of Business. 

Beginning in August 2024 and ending in November 2024, participants come together for interactive online classes (approx 2-4 per month), team assignments, advisory sessions and two dynamic days of in-person learning. Participants will learn from expert speakers and be exposed to the latest thinking and strategies to understand and utilize technology trends to ensure an inclusive digital financial future. Along the way, participants will build connections and exchange ideas with peers from across the globe. 

Attendees will leave the program with: 

  • Strategies to navigate today’s and tomorrow’s tech advances and trends 
  • A foundation of knowledge on some of the most catalytic technologies facing the financial services industry 
  • An understanding of how to drive innovation, influence stakeholders and lead change in their organization 
  • Access to a global network of women working in regulatory technology 
  • A mentor to support and guide 

This program is designed to give participants the ability and confidence to grow into progressively more responsible roles at the intersection of technology regulation and women’s financial inclusion, supporting the women tech of tomorrow. 

Apply Now!

About Visa Foundation

Visa Foundation seeks to support inclusive economies where individuals, businesses, and communities can thrive. Through grantmaking and impact investing, Visa  Foundation prioritizes the growth of inclusive small businesses around the globe. The Foundation also supports broader community needs and disaster response in times of crisis.

About Alliance for Innovation Regulation (AIR)

The Alliance for Innovative Regulation (AIR) is a nonprofit, non-membership organization working to make the financial system fully inclusive, fair and resilient through responsible use of new technology.

Program Funder

Visa Foundation Identifier Blue RGB 72dpi

Program Partner

AIR Logo NoName Positive Digital RGB